Serverless Development with SCube

Serverless architecture is new in the technology market. It comes in demand with the successful deployment of Amazon Web Services in the year 2014. In the late nineties, the only way to enter the web development market was the development of web applications. Web development has evolved many years ago. The number of web developers, by looking at the functionality, is shifting to the serverless architecture. It offers more effortless service at minimum cost. Most of the people get confused with the terminology serverless and understand that there is no use of the server in this architecture. But it is not true. In Serverless Development , various distributed application components are used between various serves. It helps the developers in managing the infrastructure without the need for supporting elements. In any case, if there is a chance that you needed to get an application on the web, you regularly needed to run your own server farm or co-locate your own phy...