Modern Web Development Architecture - JAMstack


JAMstack is a modern way to deal with building wonderful fast sites that are secure, can be scaled reasonably, and offer a superior understanding to the developers. JAMstack sites are static sites yet are profoundly intuitive and offer a scope of functionalities that are generally connected with dynamic sites such as real-time interactivity, payment processing, and many more.

At the beginning of the web, when website pages were perpetually static, many web designers composed the HTML code by hand. As pages developed more mind-boggling, devices like Macromedia's Dreamweaver showed up. This application could create static HTML pages automatically. The static web development took off during the 2010s, and another rush of alleged static website generators started to rise, including Hugo, Gatsby, and Jekyll.

The static site generators are used or developed by the command line and intended to be coordinated with CI/CD measures. Dependent on content written in Markdown, the HTML documents are produced by the application. The time at which these documents are stamped prepared for creation, static pages on the live site is automatically refreshed.


Dissimilar to customer side delivered sites, for example, those based on React that have worker side delivering parts, JAMstack does not make use of server-side delivering totally. There is no dynamic content on the website. The server easily responds with the HTML generated pages. 

You will also get CMS for JAMstack that works in an unexpected way, and they are commonly alluded to as headless. A reliable user interface is offered for entering and overseeing content and database for putting away. It does not itself create HTML code for a browser to parse. Rather, the site's static HTML pages use JavaScript to settle on decisions to the CMS's APIs, and the CMS restores the substance in an organization that JavaScript can transform into a site page.

Positive Factors of JAMstack


The performance delivered by JAMstack is superb. Reduction in time of deployment. 

Easy maintenance

You do not have to offer updates and technical maintenance regularly.


JAMstack is secure from different types of malicious activities.  It has a low potential for vulnerabilities because it is just HTML files and external API-handling served over a CDN.

Affordable and fast deployment

You only have to deal with the static files thus fast deployment will take place and no need to config the database files.   


Awesome developer experience

One of the most significant preferences for utilizing JAMstack is that it isn't hard to learn. With just HTML, CSS, and JS experience, designers can fabricate complex sites. The utilization of site generators eliminates the need to keep up a different stack for substance and promotion.

You can contact SCube professionals for a secure and fast static website at the most affordable cost. We can build a JAMstack website on your favorite static site generators (SSG) - Gatsby, Jekyll, Hugo, NEXT, or anything of your choice. We have professional developers that are highly skilled and experienced. You can send your query to know more about our service. 

Also Check : Jamstack Service for Static Website


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